Today I took pictures of my good friend Hélène Campbell. She has been diagnosed with what is called 'Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis'. Her lungs only function at 24 percent. Whenever she does something that involves moving around, she must always have oxygen with her. This could even be simply walking up stairs.
This disease is irreversible and the only way for this to be fixed is for her to move to Toronto and be put on a waiting list for a double lung transplant.
Even though she faces such a serious situation, she is still her fun loving self. She's honestly such a true inspiration to my life, I have never met anyone as full of life as much her.
If you want to know more about her and her story please visit this website that has been made for her to document her journey through this experience.
A Lung Story
For these pictures, I got to remove her oxygen tube. I wanted the pictures to be focused on her and not the oxygen. It amazes me that you can't even tell that anything is wrong with her when she is not wearing it.
"Keeping Things Simple Still Brings A Dimple"
- Hélène Campbell