Saturday, June 2, 2012

Locals Only

This is the first post of many for a series I am starting called "Locals Only". The main idea is to feature local business owners and their stores in the Ottawa community. The reason why I am doing this is because I feel that we, in this generation, want things quicker and cheaper so we go to box stores and we forget about local stores that depend on us to stay open. I want to promote local store owners in hopes that people will decide to shop at their stores instead of box stores, which are owned by corporations not individuals.

Today I went to the Ottawa Antique Market, 1179 Bank St. This building is full of different booths which are run by different sellers of all kinds. You can find anything from vintage jewelry and prom dresses to classic comic books and pretty much anything else you would want in the vintage category. I highly recommend checking this place out if you are into collecting or wearing vintage items.

                       Sarah Woods - Specializes in estate jewelry.
                                     Peter Brice - Oriental Carpets

               André Vachet - Anything from clothes to little nic-nacs

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