Sunday, August 28, 2011


Yesterday I went downtown to take some pics. I kept hearing all this music and loud yelling coming from the hill. I went over there and I stumbled on to this pretty intense scene. There was this christian rally going on. They call it The Cry, I was pretty rattled by the whole scene.

If you think you will never find anything crazy when you go to the washroom... think again!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Yesterday I went to Jack Layton's farewell. The ceremony was very powerful, I was lucky enough to be right in the front of the massive crowd that came out to see him off.

My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.

- Jack Layton

After the ceremony I walked around downtown and took some shots. I was lucky enough to meet one of the guards at the statue of the unknown soldier. We got talking and in the end he let me take a portrait of him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Here are some pics from Jack Laytons Wake. They were very tight on the photography so I was only able to get shots outside. I found the whole experience very moving.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Any real change implies the break-up of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth one clings to what one knew, or thought one knew; to what one possessed or dreamed that one possessed. Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long cherished or a privilege he has long possessed the he has set free - he has set free himself - for higher dreams, for greater privileges. All men have gone through this, go through it, each according to his degree, thought out their lives. It is one of the irreducible facts of life.

- James Baldwin

I know I haven't written on this blog in awhile. I've just been posting pictures. To be honest I haven't been inspired in my life to write. This summer "season" has been an interesting one. I've gained a lot of experience in my photography working for the Ottawa Sun and doing events and stuff but at the same time I suffered a loss that really rattled me inside. It's amazing how life can change before you within seconds, but at others times you feel like your life has plateaued and it will never change and you end up longing for change. The biggest lesson I've learned this summer is to stay true to yourself, don't ever jeopardies who you are for something else. Also I learned to embrace change and not dwell and past events.

So this brings me to why I am writing this. I've noticed my personal photography has become plain (same old) I remember the joy my personal stuff used to bring to me, not because I thought it was good, but just the act of taking the photo brought me joy. I've decided to start a personal project. I don't know what I will call it or how it will pan out and where it will take me, but Im going to make an oath with my self to explore, to learn and discovery what's around me and what I can do with it. Im not going to limit myself to one style of photography or medium, It's going to be open to everything.

I know there is beauty in everything even death, I just gotta learn how to express it through the lens.

Here are two pics I recently took I feel will start this off.

Stonebridge, This is what I see every morning while Im working. I believe this was taking around 6:30am

Sparks Street

Also Im sorry if my grammar and spelling isn't perfect, I know some people can't handle it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This past week has been pretty busy, but in a good way! I got to shoot for the Ottawa Sun which for me was super exciting. I was published in their paper as well! What I shot was a pre-playoff football practice for the Ottawa Invaders the experience was pretty cool. I got to meet the Jim Watson again (Ottawa Mayor) I have more work for the Ottawa Sun coming up so stay tuned for that.

Here is a link to the Online News

I went to see Bon Iver in TO which was the best concert i've ever seen. I didn't take much pics in TO because it was raining most of the time, but what I did shoot was shot in film except for a couple of shots I took on my phone. I'll post the film ones when I develop them soon.

Here are two other pics I took the other day. The one with the face is my buddy who is doing berry picking in BC, pretty jealous of him right now!